Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cloth Diapers?

As mentioned in an earlier post, diaper rash continues to haunt us since week two of Trevor's life.  When we first took him to the doctor for it, we were given an anti fungal prescription and told to use Triple Paste after every change.  The rash quickly cleared up, but has continued to return in the same fashion way too often!  Tired of trying out new creams, powders, regiments, and mostly tired of seeing our little boy in pain, I decided to try a new approach and give cloth diapers a try. 

I have always heard that cloth diapers are more expensive up front, but cost effective in the long run.  The up front costs discouraged me as well as the thought of cleaning up poop diapers and the thought that we would still need to buy a good amount of disposable diapers for nighttime and outings/travels.  However, I met a family at the pool who had 8mo old twins that were wearing cloth diapers.  They highly recommended the brand, Kawaii because of the lower costs and cuteness.  After researching them (by mostly reading other blogs), I also tried to make a wipe solution.  A lot of the time we aren't able to use the regular commercial wipes, because they irritate the rash further so I felt this would be a better solution than the water and soap from the sink.  So, I took a trip to EarthFare and bought the ingredients for a "Simple" anti-fungal wipe solution.  While the ingredients were more expensive than what I typically like to spend, I am treating it as buying medicine for my little man and the oils should last forever, I hardly used any for the first batch.  Hope it works!  And if the cloth diapers and/or wipe solution help, we might be able to cut off some of the costs for all the butt creams!  And of course, the savings in not buying as many disposable diapers for Trevor or our little girl could be a huge savings!

If interested, here is the recipe-

Simple Anti-Fungal Solution
2 Cups of Water
2-5 drops of Lavender Oil
2-5 drops of Tea Tree Oil
1 Tsp of favorite Bath Wash ( Since we had been using the cheap brands, I bought a new organic bottle at Earth Fare)

Cloth Diaper link- http://www.theluvyourbaby.com/

I've also read in some forums that Diaper rash can be caused by the diet.  In Trevor's case, I know he has a high acidic one because fruits are by far his favorite food group and go-to snack.  Although he had diaper rash before he was eating fruits on his own, perhaps they were passed through to him through my diet?  I just don't know.  But to experiment, we are trying to cut out the high acidic fruits from his diet this week.  (Grapes, raisins, apples, oranges, blueberries, pineapples)  I have been putting off that diet change because fruits are one of the foods that he will ALWAYS eat and becomes really excited about.   I'll keep you updated and If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know! 

Aren't they kind of cute? 

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