Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pregnancy Insomnia

I got one of my handy daily pregnancy emails stating that 3 out of 4 women experience pregnancy insomnia, well, apparently Trevor wanted to make sure we get to experience it in our household:).  I have been so happy with our little guy's sleep habits for several months, but for whatever reason, he has decided that 1am-2am is the new meal time/play time.  I'm trying to not make this a habit, but it's so hard to listen to your baby (he's still my baby for another 3 weeks) cry for a solid 30 minutes.  I tried giving him water, changing his diaper, tylenol in case of teething, rub his back, even bring him in bed with us which NEVER works.  When he sees our bed, he immediately is rejuvenated and thinks it's play time so back to the crib we go.  Anyhow, tonight I'm determined to ignore the cries because the doctor said if he is hungry he has to teach himself to fill up more during the day and not to rely on his weak mommy to feed him whenever he pleases during the middle of the night.  SO, we'll see how that goes.

And an update on the speech therapist.  I think I repeated so many times, that "I'm not worried at all about Trevor's speech", that I have started to second guess my self.  Well mainly I blame google.  They worry me to death whenever I google anything that I may think is an issue.  Regardless of the several forums that said boys are naturally late talkers, some children are focused more on motor skills and don't want to battle with the frustrating time of learning speech and just wait til age 2-3 when they can easily string phrases together, I also read that early intervention was key IF there is a problem.  So, with my mommy guilt, we have set Trevor up for speech therapy.  The therapist said that some children just need a little push and will start speaking after just a few sessions so that's what this mom and her bank account are hoping for!:) They won't start for another month though.

We went on a family walk and someone was tired of his stroller so walked at our speed for at least 25 minutes until we got to a busy street.

Just getting ready for another day of school

1 comment:

  1. Just caught up on my blog reading. Love them all! Especially the last pic of Trevor walking with Alec. Can't wait to see him with Baby Girl :)
