Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hospital Visits

Well we had an interesting weekend.  We went to Charlotte to visit Alec's mom and brother.  Saturday night, I started to feel like my body temperature was fluctuating greatly and I was overly tired.  I finally took my temperature and found that I had a 103 temperature.  I took some extra strength tylenol and called my on call nurse to see if there was anything else that I should do.  After several questions, she said that she had to check with the MD and call me back.  About ten minutes later, I got a phone call back saying that I needed to go to the hospital to be checked out because the fever was high with a 35 week baby.  I told them the fever had gone down since the Tylenol had kicked in, but they said I still needed to go be checked out.  We had wanted to go back to Greensboro so we could go to Women's hospital, but Trevor was sleeping so soundly that we also didn't want to wake him.  We decided to try and get some rest and leave first thing in the morning to head to the hospital in Greensboro.  However after about 3 hours in bed, I started to worry myself thinking that I was neglecting the doctor's orders and hurting the baby so we headed into the Charlotte ER around midnight... which is quite an interesting place to be.  Luckily, we were admitted extremely fast and put into the ob department (away from scary gun shot victim's friends).  However, everything afterwards was kind of slow moving. They checked the baby, who was doing great.  I was showing signs of irritability (slight contractions) every 3 minutes, but after upping my intake of fluids, they improved.  After several other tests, they were not able to decipher where the fever was coming from, but ruled out several things.  So I was discharged at 5:30 am and told to come back if the fever rose.

We slept for a couple of hours until Trevor woke up and then packed up to come back to Greensboro Sunday morning.  We dropped off Trevor at my parents and both came home to crash.  After sleeping for several hours, my fever had gone back up to 103, so I called my doctor again and he said to go to Women's hospital to get it checked out again.  I was very reluctant since we had essentially done the same thing earlier that day.  We went to go check on Trevor and waited a few hours, but the fever hadn't improved so we decided to follow the instructions.

I was really impressed with Women's Hospital in Greensboro.  We were admitted very quickly and the nurses were all very kind.  It made us excited and more ready to have our little girl.  Alec kept asking, "do you think they can just go ahead and do the C section now?"  They did all of the same tests that were done in Charlotte and found the exact same information out.. nothing looked abnormal.  The doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure the fever wasn't affecting the baby's fluid levels.  They said our baby passed with flying colors!  However, out of curiosity, I asked what the position of our baby was and she is breech with her feet right up by her head.  That explains why I feel like she is in one big ball on my upper right hand side.  The ultrasound tech said that generally babies are usually set in their position by 35 weeks, so we'll see what the doctor says... I'm still scheduled for another ultrasound Oct. 12th to check the position.

So after the tests came back, the doctor said I could go home, but to follow up with the OB practice early this week. We felt like the doctor's were being a little extra precautious, but I guess it is always better safe than sorry.  Hopefully it's just a quick virus that I will be over in no time.  And if nothing else, we feel a little more familiar with Women's Hospital and excited about going there to have our baby! 

In other news... Trevor had a good weekend visiting with both Grandmothers and Grandfather.  He was FINE being left alone with them unlike in some recent visits:).  This made us very happy and relieved!

Mimi sent me this picture to reassure me that Trevor was happy!

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