After receiving the shipment, it took me a little while to start the cloth diapers, partly from fear and partly from stupidity. But, I wanted to make sure I had the pre-wash instructions down before I dove in. It's the third day so I feel a little premature in singing their praises, but overall so far it's been good! Trevor doesn't seem to tell the difference, we've had no leaks, and I've only been through 3 disposable diapers so if we keep it up, we should see some savings. We have been using disposable diapers during the nights, but after he leaked out of his "special" overnight diaper last night, I'm going to try a cloth one tonight and see how they compare.
The worst part... the really soiled diapers. They are not fun to rinse out before the washing machine, but luckily the really bad ones are spaced out by lots of EASY "wet" diapers that are just removed and tossed into the washing machine.
They do give the appearance of a HUGE bum! I'm not quite sure how this same diaper will fit on a sweet 8lb baby girl under a dress and tights, but we'll see....
While I'm on the topic of "soiled" diapers, I warn you that this next comment while related, may just be too much information, but Trevor seems to feel most inclined to relieving himself in the tub! I've asked around and it seems that I'm one of the luckier moms... I hear a lot of mom's say things like.."no, never pooped in the tub", or "once and it was awful", or "3 times! Can you believe that?." But my sweet Trevor poops in the tub at least once a week if not more! Just thought I'd leave you with that lovely thought and image. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!:) Although I'm not sure what is easier to clean... the tub or the cloth diaper:)