Sunday, February 20, 2011

And The Last Trimester Begins!

Well, when I started the blog, I honestly thought that I would put more into it than one post per trimester, but I'm trying hard to make sure each post is filled with truly exciting info for all of the dedicated followers....(maybe one exists?:)) haha kidding about the truly exciting info.  So for today, I'll just give you a little update on life here in Florida with a growing bean.

We are now onto our bimonthly doctor's appointments and have recently switched to the midwife side of our OB practice.  After reading a little about the differences of midwifes and OB's and even talking to our current OB, we are excited to experience the midwife's approach to labor and delivery.  For now we still plan to give birth in the hospital where the OB can be called if there are any last minute problems.  We are taking a water birth class at the hospital in about 2 weeks which I'm really looking forward to.  Our first meeting with the midwife is in a week and we have lots of questions for her, such as will I be allowed to walk around during labor in the hospital.  So far, my favorite book is, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Natural Birth," which I might add was the first book I purchased on my new Kindle (a gift from William and Julie:)) after sampling out several other birthing books.  Physically and emotionally for the most part, the pregnancy has been very pleasant. Knock on wood.  I feel almost completely normal (pre-pregnancy) everyday.  Random strangers are noticing more and more that I'm pregnant which is fun.  

The baby and I went to Miami for Alyson and Jenny's bach and had a wonderful time!  Felt great all weekend and the weather was wonderful!  Ready for the wedding in May!  Our next flight isn't until March 6th to Wilmington.

Here's a little story for you to end with....A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to William and convinced him to allow me to send him a picture of my baby bump via phone pix text.  However, instead of sending him a picture of me, I sent him one of Octo-mom's bare stomach near her due date.  Needless to say, her stomach is HUGE and a tad scary.  I assumed that William would see the joke right wrong I was.  His reply text, was "oh god, that looks like an uncooked turkey, can you please pull your shirt down the next time IF you must send me another picture?"  I couldn't believe that he actually thought my stomach was up to that size at this point so I decided to play along for a few more texts and act hurt that he was being so insensitive about my massive stomach:).  William did not feel the need to apologize about calling my stomach "disgusting."!  But I sure got a good laugh out of it!

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