Wednesday, July 11, 2012

RIP Bunny By the Bay

Originally, a gift from the Moody's, It's been with Trevor since he was 5 weeks old.  In his pack and play and crib every night since it's arrival.  It has become a family friend, the blue bunny pacifier clip.  Even when it's velcro enclosure was worn away, Mimi was there to the rescue to sew it shut.  After traveling outside of the country, through several states, being retrieved from countless places after we realized it had been left, it seems to have finally met it's end yesterday during one of our long walks.  Trevor has a habit of throwing out items when he is "tired" of them and typically I see them.  However, it was not until we came to a stopping point that I realized we were missing something important.  We retraced our steps on foot and then in the car over 6 times.  (sentimental daddy made us do it the 5 extra times).  Unfortunately, it must have been either run over or a dog's new bf, because we were left empty handed.  To find a quick replacement in the hopes of having a successful night of sleep, we came up with the perfect solution..... tied another pacifier to one of Alec's bow ties:)   We felt the pacifier needed something so it could easily be found during the night.  Well, it worked great!  He slept 12 consecutive hours and seems to like his new, more mature look.  He's grown up from a dangling stuffed rabbit from his mouth to now- a KA tie:). 

Below is the last known picture with blue bunny, as you can see, it looks like it may be on it's way out...  (I took this pic during our walk to send to Colin's mom)  Trevor enjoys keeping track of Colin's feet on our walks. 

And here is a quick pic I grabbed with the new home made pacifier clip:)

Please excuse the no pants, I was just waking up from a nap:)- Trevor

1 comment:

  1. Alas we will all miss Blue Bunny but I love Trevor's more mature look, especially since he is getting ready to take on the responsibility of being a big brother.
